Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How can I improve my practice -in Juba-

The workshop started on Monday 23th march at Mango camp in Juba under the umbrella of how can I improve my practice to train 22 participants from Multi training center MTC the main focus of the workshop is to help the participants to build up their won awareness toward facilitating learning to their students and trainees through:
Group discussion
Writing a daily log to sum up each day using their own observation and reflection upon their activities and vocational pedagogy as an approach which support and emphasis the practical area.
Sharing their knowledge and practice through face to face interaction and by using Internet as a global mean for sharing ideas and knowledge which is going to help them to reflect on their won practice related to their won trade. They are too interested in explore this area of technology. Their coming challenge is the sustainability of access to Internet in the coming soon future after the workshop ends in order to get familiar to use it.
How to identify problems which are facing instructor in practice and how can he solves them through experiences and doing then learn.
The participants are motivated and eager to participate in all activities especially when it related to Internet and blogs.


barnaba-nucoop-kyambogo said...

I think these series of workshop are very useful to shape vocational training teachers/coachers out look in teaching approaches. The transiton from academic-based learning to workshop learning/workplace learning, group and team interactions learning is a new social constructed learning that needs continues training of teachers to unlearned the old tradition of individual, lectures and teacher dominated class room approach.

Daniel Ruben said...

Hi, I think MTC Juba was a useful workshop for the praticipants to reflect on their own practice and try to imporve them. But what is your personal refelction upon it?